Tuesday, May 22, 2007

ipod on the run

I've always enjoyed running alone, listening to all the surrounding sounds and the opportunity to interact with nature. I've seen ducks swim, birds fly, squirrels play, dogs run and chase me, water move, kids play, the sun rise, the sun set, rain pour, sun shine, wind push, friends scream, strangers wave, and best of all, having fun. Then one day, 6 weeks to be exact, my oldest daughter suggests that I go out for my run with her ipod. I've been asked several times, why run alone, when I can run with an ipod. I'm old school, so I used that same excuse over and over. I won't run with an ipod because it will take away from my enjoyment and become a distraction. Then this one particular day, I said yes to my daughter. She explained how to work it and wouldn’t you know, I didn't understand, so I asked her to just turn it on. Well with a little creativity and pre -wrap I attached it to my left arm. I went out for my 8-mile run and surprisingly; I improved my time by 3 minutes. I honestly believe it was due to my dancing to the music. I really felt comfortable because I couldn't hear my breathing. So I really didn't have an indication whether or not I was tired or breathing hard. That same evening my wife went on line and purchased two ipods, one for me and one for her. I now won’t go out for a run without one. So if you haven’t yet tried jogging or running with one, please don't hesitate any longer. Be aware of your surroundings, smile and have fun.

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